SEARCH KEYWORD -- long process

  Why to opt for Hadoop?

Hadoop is a open source that stores and processes big data. The framework is written in Java for distributed processing and distributed storage of very large data. Hadoop is Scalable. It is a scalable platform because it stores and distributed large amount of data sets to hundreds and thousands of servers that operate in parallel. Traditional database systems cannot process large amount of data. But, hadoop enable business to run applications involving thousands of Terabyte data. Hadoop is ...

       2015-09-22 10:17:43

  How MySQL optmizes ORDER BY

In some situations, MySQL will just use an index to fulfill the requirement of an ORDER BY or GROUP BY statement without extra sorting. Although ORDER BY will not have the exact match with index, index can still be used as long as the portion that is not included in the index is included in the where clause. The following queries will all use index to process the ORDER BY or GROUP BY part: SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY key_part1,key_part2,... ;SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE key_part1=constant ORDER BY key_p...

   MySQL,index,ORDER BY,optimization     2012-11-13 11:01:05

  Simple explanation about process and thread

Process and thread are two basic concepts of operating system, but they are a bit abstract which cannot be  mastered easily. There is an analogy which explains these concepts very well. 1. The kernel of the computer is CPU, it handles all the computing tasks, it's like a factory and will run all the time. 2. Assume there is power limitation for the factory, it can only supply to one unit once,i.e, when one unit is working, other units must stop and wait. The meaning behind this is that eac...

   Process,Thread,CPU,Operating system     2013-04-24 11:33:10

  What Separates Good Designers from Great Ones

Most of the design books you read, including my own, are about how to be a good, competent designer. They are about how to make strong, reasoned design decisions and about design methods and tools. But what they won’t—can’t—teach you is how to become a great designer. The only way to be a great designer is to produce great products. Everything else is…well, everything else. I’m convinced that the people who are great designers, while assure...

   Designer,Feature,Great designer,Good designer,Comparison     2011-12-06 02:25:17

  One Way to Quickly Locate SQL with High CPU Usage in MySQL

When the CPU usage of a MySQL database rises abnormally, it's necessary to quickly identify the problematic SQL statements. In this post, we try to provide one way to achieve this.  Below are the actual steps. 1. Use the top command to find the threads with the highest CPU usage in the MySQL process. # Find the MySQL process ID ps -ef | grep mysql # Use the process ID to find the thread IDs with the highest CPU usage: top -H -p In top, press P to sort by CPU usage. Note the thread ID, fo...

   MYSQL,DEBUG,HIGH CPU,SLOW QUERY     2024-08-01 21:25:48

  The evolving history of asynchronous operation in JavaScript

JavaScript is single threaded, it means there would be only one task running at any point of time. But this would slow down the overall program execution if there is long running task, hence asynchronous task execution is desired in complex cases. To achieve asynchronous task execution, there are a few options introduced in JavaScript. setTimeout/setInterval Event Promise Async/Await setTimeout/setInterval is one of the first mechanisms introduced in JavaScript to simulate asynchronous operati...

   JAVASCRIPT,ASYNC,PROMISE,AWAIT     2019-11-09 08:21:56

  Simplicity Oriented Programming

After few years on Warsztat (a Polish gamedev site) I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon. Every now and then there are Compos (programming competitions) organized in two different flavours. Some compos are single-run events that last only few hours, others are long-term (several days/weeks). And as an extra catch, the former are usually restricted to basic APIs (SDL, OpenGL etc) while the latter are free-for-all (all sorts of engines, UDK/Unity allowed). Now, results are somewhat shocki...

   Programming,Research,Advice,Time efficie     2011-08-04 01:55:40

  Generate certificate in Java -- Certificate chain

In previous post, we have introduced the use of Certificate and how to generate self signed certificate using Java. In this post, we will show you how to generate a certificate chain. Sometimes we may only have a certificate request or we don't have a trusted certificate which can be used for business. Now we need to have a trusted CA to sign our certificate so that it can be used on SSL communications. To generate a certificate chain, we may first have our own certificate(A), then we may use ot...

   Java,Certificate chain,Creation, Pure Java     2014-07-30 08:24:52

  C programming tips in SPARC architecture

If you are a newbie of C programmers in SPARC architecture (For example, working on Solaris), you should pay attention to the following tips:(1) By default, SPARC is big-endian (For Endianness, you can refer It means for an integer (short, int, long, etc), the MSB will be stored in the lower address, while the LSB will be stored in the higher address. (2) SPARC requires byte-alignment. It means for a short (2 bytes long) variable, the star...

   C     2014-06-01 03:56:30

  eLearning Can Improve How Educators Approach Learning

eLearning has varied benefits for learners, as has been amply documented across numerous articles on the web. It allows learners to gain access to quality education from the comforts of their homes, according to their convenience. It allows them to focus on their other interests and education at the same time.  When it comes to educators, there’s a dearth of documentation of the positive impacts of eLearning on their work. eLearning has revolutionized the entire learning process, and ...

   ELEARNING     2022-01-29 04:01:23